Wah Yan Star Studio
Wah Yan Star Studio

Broadcast From Wah Yan to the World


showing 11 - 20, total 36
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Second Assembly - November 201320:37 Second Assembly - November 2013

Second November Assembly

posted 2013-12-02
English | tagged Assembly
2013 Talent Time Final - 李冠麟 - 情人5:38 2013 Talent Time Final - 李冠麟 - 情人

2013 Talent Time Final - 李冠麟 - 情人

posted 2013-09-06
廣東話 | tagged Talent Time
Raffle Ticket2:22 Raffle Ticket

Please show your support

posted 2013-09-02
廣東話 | tagged Promotion
Sharing of Ambassadorship 2012-20138:18 Sharing of Ambassadorship 2012-2013

Chris shares about his ambassadorship with us.

posted 2013-09-02
English | tagged Sharing
WYHK 47th Student Association Election1:33 WYHK 47th Student Association Election

The result of 47th Student Election is finally released!

posted 2013-07-09
English | tagged Student Association
WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Alumni Choir6:21 WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Alumni Choir

The Wah Yan College Hong Kong Alumni Choir was officially formed in February 2012 under the Past Students Association's Timeless Bonding Scheme umbrella. The purpose of the choir is to gather Wahyanites of all ages who enjoy singing as well as meeting fellow alumni who share this same interest. We would also like to show our students that being a Wahaynite does not end after they leave Wah Yan.

posted 2013-07-08
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Annual Concert
WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Jazz Band6:24 WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Jazz Band

WYHK Jazz Band was founded in Nov 2012, in order to add a new element into Wah Yan music, as well as to promote jazz music in Wah Yan.

posted 2013-07-08
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Annual Concert
WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Body Percussion6:23 WYHK 2013 Annual Concert Body Percussion

This piece is a remix which is mainly based on a viral Youtube video - "The Percussion Show - Body Percussion". It also showcase the Cup Song and a lovely kid song. It involves elements of alternative percussion, dancing and vocals.

posted 2013-05-31
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Annual Concert
Fr. Deignan's Birthday1:04 Fr. Deignan's Birthday

Celebrating Fr. Deignan's Birthday

posted 2013-04-30
English | tagged Birthday
Sichuan Earthquake1:28 Sichuan Earthquake

Please pray for them

posted 2013-04-22
English | tagged Disaster, Earthquake