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Teacher's Day Variety Show - 5K

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Teacher's Day Variety Show - 5K
bilingual - 廣東話, English
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It has always been said that organizers must contact Wah Yan Star Studio separately from S.A. and submit a detailed rundown as well.

This is perfectly reasonable. For example, if you were to make a show at Tuen Wan Town Hall and required video recording, you would need to contact both LCSD and the recording company, right? Just because S.A. is organizing the event it does not mean that we must record it and that we will automatically know about it. (Of course most of the time we do, however you should not rely on it)

We will try to clarify this so that this does not happen again. We will also try to improve the communication between us and the S.A. over these matters. I also hope that other students when organizing events (especially with surprises) in the hall would "down聲" directly to us. Also please make sure you check that you have the correct equipment before your event and must remember anything that is to be heard in the hall must be equipped with a microphone no matter loud or soft.
It was actually noted to the S.A. that Mr ng will be on stage. However, it seemed obvious that the S.A. failed to contact the A.V. Team about the details. Maybe from this the A.V. team would enhance their communication with the S.A.?
I'm sorry to say that that part was not recorded on video or audio (Just a blank screen). Mr. Ng did not have a microphone and the Video Mixing team had pressed the wrong button. Therefore we have decided to omit the part until the correct camera was focused. Unfortunately, the only part left the the part when Mr. Ng just finished his "speech". To prevent this from happening again, I hope everyone will give us, Wah Yan Star Studio, any details of "surprises" beforehand so we can capture the shot. Anyway, the download link has been fixed. Thank you for reporting this.
Finally, there's a problem when downloading the video through the links provided. Is it a comming problem? Can it be fixed???
Looking forward to see the amended version.

Students of 5K
Thank you for reporting. I will fix it tomorrow.
Howard, did you miss the part when Mr Ng was on Stage?? That's part of the production!!! XD Please fix that as well Thanks
There is an error with the soundtracks starting from 02:00. It will be fixed soon. Sorry about that.
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