Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 151 - 160, total 658
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Athletic Meet 2017 - A Grade 100m0:49 Athletic Meet 2017 - A Grade 100m

Athletic Meet 2017 - A Grade 100m

posted 2017-12-01
| tagged Athletics Meet
(4 views this month)
F.6 Student Farewell Speeches 201711:49 F.6 Student Farewell Speeches 2017

F.6 Student Farewell Speeches 2017

posted 2017-03-01
bilingual - English, 廣東話ese | tagged Speech
(4 views this month)
2007年世界遺產學生徵文比賽(港島區)頒獎禮15:44 2007年世界遺產學生徵文比賽(港島區)頒獎禮


posted 2007-09-20
廣東話 | tagged Ceremony
(4 views this month)
Assembly - September 201438:28 Assembly - September 2014

Assembly - September 2014

posted 2014-09-25
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Assembly
(4 views this month)
明愛華仁聚一家3:50 明愛華仁聚一家


posted 2019-02-19
廣東話 | tagged Volunteer Service
(4 views this month)
Star Studio Promotion Video0:33 Star Studio Promotion Video

Star Studio Promotion Video

posted 2021-09-18
| tagged Promotion
(4 views this month)
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #21:29 Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #2

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #2

posted 2011-02-14
(4 views this month)
F.3 Parent's Day NSS Curriculum Introduction  Subject Selection Guidelines10:27 F.3 Parent's Day NSS Curriculum Introduction
Subject Selection Guidelines

Notice: The website of the NSS curriculum has changed to

posted 2008-11-20
廣東話 | tagged Form 3, NSS, Talk
(4 views this month)
Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - F.6 Performance6:44 Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - F.6 Performance

Teachers' Day 2014-2015
F.6 Performance

posted 2015-10-09
Chinese | tagged Teachers' Day
(4 views this month)
華仁一家音樂會系列 - Violin Solo7:18 華仁一家音樂會系列 - Violin Solo

華仁一家音樂會系列 - Violin Solo

posted 2007-11-09
English | tagged Music, Wah Yan One Family
(4 views this month)