Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 391 - 400, total 658
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Food Waste Recycling Partnership Scheme1:44 Food Waste Recycling Partnership Scheme

Food Waste Recycling Partnership Scheme

posted 2013-03-07
廣東話 | tagged Promotion
(2 views this month)
Cultural Exchange Music Concert - English Folk Song3:46 Cultural Exchange Music Concert - English Folk Song

Cultural Exchange Music Concert - English Folk Song

posted 2013-01-07
English | tagged Music
(2 views this month)
Star Studio Recruitment1:10 Star Studio Recruitment

Star Studio Recruitment

posted 2008-09-14
廣東話 | tagged Promotion, Recruitment
(2 views this month)
Lunch Time Concert - String Ensemble7:01 Lunch Time Concert - String Ensemble

Lunch Time Concert - String Ensemble

posted 2010-02-02
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged Concert
(2 views this month)
Assembly - April 201422:21 Assembly - April 2014

Assembly - April 2014

posted 2014-05-13
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Assembly
(2 views this month)
Book exhibition 2018-2019 highlight1:06 Book exhibition 2018-2019 highlight

Book exhibition 2018-2019 highlight

posted 2019-01-25
| tagged Book fair
(2 views this month)
Sharing by Student Ambassador 2018 and SOY Election 20195:54 Sharing by Student Ambassador 2018 and SOY Election 2019

Sharing by Student Ambassador 2018 and SOY Election 2019

posted 2019-10-10
English | tagged Promotion
(2 views this month)
Inter-School Athletic Championships3:25 Inter-School Athletic Championships

Inter-School Athletic Championships

posted 2012-02-26
廣東話 | tagged School Team, Sports
(2 views this month)
Wah Yan Theatre4:36 Wah Yan Theatre

Wah Yan Theatre

posted 2011-04-24
廣東話 | tagged Promotion
(2 views this month)
Fenix with you, everything will do0:44 Fenix with you, everything will do

Fenix wish you all the best in the final examination!

posted 2013-06-10
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged Promotion, Student Association
(2 views this month)