Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 531 - 540, total 658
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Student Association Half Year Evaluation 2006-200726:15 Student Association Half Year Evaluation 2006-2007

Student Association Half Year Evaluation 2006-2007

posted 2007-01-11
(1 views this month)
Sharing of Ambassadorship 2012-20138:18 Sharing of Ambassadorship 2012-2013

Chris shares about his ambassadorship with us.

posted 2013-09-02
English | tagged Sharing
(1 views this month)
NSS Subject Introduction: Chinese History6:08 NSS Subject Introduction: Chinese History

NSS Subject Introduction: Chinese History

posted 2010-10-27
廣東話 | tagged Form 3, NSS
(1 views this month)
Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - Mr. H.Lai1:20 Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - Mr. H.Lai

Teachers' Day 2014-2015
Mr. H.Lai

posted 2015-10-20
Chinese | tagged Teachers' Day
(1 views this month)
Talk by Fr. Thomas J. Morrissey S.J. - Jesuit Education29:36 Talk by Fr. Thomas J. Morrissey S.J. - Jesuit Education

Talk by Fr. Thomas J. Morrissey S.J. - Jesuit Education

posted 2008-12-02
English | tagged Assembly
(1 views this month)
華仁一家音樂會系列 - Piano Duet7:05 華仁一家音樂會系列 - Piano Duet

華仁一家音樂會系列 - Piano Duet

posted 2007-12-03
English | tagged Music, Wah Yan One Family
(1 views this month)
Test Week 2007 1:25 Test Week 2007

Test Week 2007

posted 2007-05-03
廣東話 | tagged
(1 views this month)
Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 20161:43 Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 2016

Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 2016

posted 2016-02-05
(1 views this month)
Principal's Address - October 20157:49 Principal's Address - October 2015

Principal's Address - October 2015

posted 2016-01-07
English | tagged Principal's Address
(1 views this month)
Principal's Address - January 20167:49 Principal's Address - January 2016

Principal's Address - January 2016

posted 2016-01-12
English | tagged Principal's Address
(1 views this month)