Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 651 - 658, total 658
layout: tiles | grid      sort by date | popularity      ascending | descending
Annual Swimming Gala 2006-0712:48 Annual Swimming Gala 2006-07

Annual Swimming Gala 2006-07

posted 2006-10-13
Chinese | tagged Sports, Swimming Gala
Blood Donation 20066:33 Blood Donation 2006

Blood Donation 2006

posted 2006-09-28
廣東話 | tagged Blood Donation
親子繩結班200629:51 親子繩結班2006


posted 2006-09-25
廣東話 | tagged PTA, Workshops
Principal's Speech2:17 Principal's Speech

Principal's Speech

posted 2006-09-18
English | tagged Speech
Mass of Convocation33:25 Mass of Convocation

Mass of Convocation

posted 2006-09-18
廣東話 | tagged Mass of Convocation
Student Association Election3:22 Student Association Election

Student Association Election

posted 2006-09-12
English | tagged Election, Student Association
Student Association Election Forum46:59 Student Association Election Forum

Student Association Election Forum

posted 2006-09-12
English | tagged Election, Student Association
Assembly - September 200638:55 Assembly - September 2006

Assembly - September 2006

posted 2006-09-12
English | tagged Assembly