Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 251 - 260, total 658
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Wah Yan One Family Walkathon2:40 Wah Yan One Family Walkathon

Wah Yan One Family Walkathon

posted 2007-11-15
廣東話 | tagged Wah Yan One Family
(3 views this month)
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7A1:52 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7A

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7A

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
(3 views this month)
Inter-school Athletics Championship - Heats Day #11:11 Inter-school Athletics Championship - Heats Day #1

Inter-school Athletics Championship - Heats Day #1

posted 2011-02-14
(3 views this month)
Yes! School Tour - 吳若希4:37 Yes! School Tour - 吳若希

Yes! School Tour - 吳若希

posted 2011-02-15
廣東話 | tagged Music, Performance, School Tour
(3 views this month)
《做個不賭快樂人》花絮2:00 《做個不賭快樂人》花絮


posted 2011-03-04
廣東話 | tagged Behind the Scenes, Promotion
(3 views this month)
F.3 Parent's Day NSS Curriculum Introduction  Economics16:15 F.3 Parent's Day NSS Curriculum Introduction

Notice: The website of the NSS curriculum has changed to

posted 2008-11-20
廣東話 | tagged Form 3, NSS, Talk
(3 views this month)
香港校際冰球聯賽總決賽 2013-20141:03 香港校際冰球聯賽總決賽 2013-2014

香港校際冰球聯賽總決賽 2013-2014

posted 2014-05-23
English | tagged Promotion
(3 views this month)
Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 20171:52 Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 2017

Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 2017

posted 2017-01-24
(3 views this month)
Olympic Torch Exhibition6:30 Olympic Torch Exhibition

Olympic Torch Exhibition

posted 2008-07-02
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Exhibition
(3 views this month)
Cultural Exchange Music Concert - English Folk Song3:46 Cultural Exchange Music Concert - English Folk Song

Cultural Exchange Music Concert - English Folk Song

posted 2013-01-07
English | tagged Music
(3 views this month)