Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 651 - 658, total 658
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Open to Life-long Growth8:42 Open to Life-long Growth

Talk by Mr. Eric Cheung, Head Librarian

posted 2013-04-16
English | tagged Talk
(0 views this month)
Blood Donation 20141:20 Blood Donation 2014

Blood Donation 2014

posted 2014-10-21
English | tagged Blood Donation
(0 views this month)
Assembly - June 201418:43 Assembly - June 2014

Assembly - June 2014

posted 2014-06-06
English | tagged Assembly
(0 views this month)
Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - Mr. M.K. Lai1:44 Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - Mr. M.K. Lai

Teachers' Day 2014-2015
Mr. M.K. Lai

posted 2015-10-07
Chinese | tagged Teachers' Day
(0 views this month)
School Development Project 3:47 School Development Project

School Development Project

posted 2014-09-23
(0 views this month)
WYHK 47th Student Association Election1:17 WYHK 47th Student Association Election

WYHK 47th Student Association Election

posted 2013-06-04
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged Student Association
(0 views this month)
Wah Yan College Hong Kong - Academics And Beyond1:47 Wah Yan College Hong Kong - Academics And Beyond

Wah Yan College Hong Kong - Academics And Beyond

posted 2015-01-06
| tagged Promotion
(0 views this month)
Teacher's Day 2014-2015 - Ms H.W.Ng4:24 Teacher's Day 2014-2015 - Ms H.W.Ng

Teacher's Day 2014-2015
Ms H.W.Ng

posted 2015-10-06
Chinese | tagged Teachers' Day
(0 views this month)