Videos Edited
Wah Yan Cheering Team, Live at Wanchai Sports Ground,10:00 am.
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong - Cross Country Team - Promoted to D1
2011 Inter-school Swimming Championships - 即日精選重溫
The Chief Executive has released his last Policy Address in his term of office. Star Studio Reports.
行政長官曾蔭權發表了他任內最後一份的施政報告,Star Studio為大家作出了詳盡的報導。
An overview on the mental effects and student's opinions
Overall Champion! - Inter-school Athletics Championship - Finals
Inter-school Athletics Championship - Heats Day #2
Inter-school Athletics Championship - Heats Day #1
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #2
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Athletics Team #1
Speech Day 2009 - 2010 - Principal's Speech
Speech Day 2009 - 2010 - Father Chow's Speech
Speech Day 2009 - 2010 - Form 7 Graduation
Speech Day 2009 - 2010 - Form 5 Graduation
Speech Day 2009 - 2010 - Chinese Orchestra Performance
Total edited 26 videos.
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