陳輝恒Chan Henry Fai Hang 6W (2)
Student Advisor

Videos Edited

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S21:39 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S2

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S2

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S12:01 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S1

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7S1

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7A1:52 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7A

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 7A

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6K1:58 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6K

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6K

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6H1:48 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6H

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6H

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6Y2:44 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6Y

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6Y

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6W2:14 Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6W

Speech Day 2011-2012 - 6W

posted 2012-11-29
English | tagged Speech Day
Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S23:05 Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S2

Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S2

posted 2012-03-13
Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S12:21 Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S1

Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7S1

posted 2012-03-13
Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7A3:29 Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7A

Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 7A

posted 2012-03-13
Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 64:59 Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 6

Representative Speech 2011-12 - Form 6

posted 2012-03-13
終極普通話 —— 工作篇1:52 終極普通話 —— 工作篇


posted 2012-03-11
普通话 | tagged Putonghua
Policy Address 2011-128:25 Policy Address 2011-12

The Chief Executive has released his last Policy Address in his term of office. Star Studio Reports.

posted 2011-10-17
English | tagged Policy Address
2011-12 施政報告特輯12:47 2011-12 施政報告特輯

行政長官曾蔭權發表了他任內最後一份的施政報告,Star Studio為大家作出了詳盡的報導。

posted 2011-10-13
廣東話 | tagged Policy Address
SA Election Forum 2011-2012 (Senior) - Genesis22:03 SA Election Forum 2011-2012 (Senior) - Genesis

SA Election Forum 2011-2012 (Senior) - Genesis

posted 2011-06-27
SA Election Forum 2011-2012 (Senior) - Nexus19:17 SA Election Forum 2011-2012 (Senior) - Nexus

SA Election Forum 2011-2012 (Senior) - Nexus

posted 2011-06-27
SA Election Forum 2011-2012 - Genesis22:06 SA Election Forum 2011-2012 - Genesis

SA Election Forum 2011-2012 - Genesis

posted 2011-06-24
SA Election Forum 2011-2012 - Nexus16:56 SA Election Forum 2011-2012 - Nexus

SA Election Forum 2011-2012 - Nexus

posted 2011-06-24
Less Is More1:05 Less Is More

Less Is More

posted 2011-03-08
English | tagged Lenten Campaign, Promotion
JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Group Photos2:39 JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Group Photos

JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Group Photos

posted 2011-03-03
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged JASER
JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Day 22:39 JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Day 2

JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Day 2

posted 2011-03-03
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged JASER
JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Day 19:43 JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Day 1

JASER 2010-2011 Form 1 Camp Day 1

posted 2011-03-03
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged JASER
投票指引 —— 《做個不賭快樂人》行動0:48 投票指引 —— 《做個不賭快樂人》行動

投票指引 —— 《做個不賭快樂人》行動

posted 2011-03-02
廣東話 | tagged Promotion, Vote
NSS Applied Learning - Introduction20:02 NSS Applied Learning - Introduction

NSS Applied Learning - Introduction

posted 2011-03-01
廣東話 | tagged NSS, Podcast, Talk
Student Association Election Forum 2010 (Seniors)53:23 Student Association Election Forum 2010 (Seniors)

Participate in our Survey! Vote for the Cabinet of Your Choice Now!

posted 2010-09-05
bilingual - English, 廣東話 | tagged Student Association
細味回憶 —— 擋不住的人情味 - 投票指引1:15 細味回憶 —— 擋不住的人情味 - 投票指引

Voting Instructions

posted 2010-08-12
廣東話 | tagged Guide
Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 Alert2:09 Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 Alert

Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 Alert

posted 2009-05-05
English | tagged Alert, Disease Prevention, Flu

Total edited 27 videos.


2008 年 09 月
September, 2008

Contact Method
