Campus Broadcasts 06-22

showing 481 - 490, total 658
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Mid Year Fiesta (Campus TV實驗電影首映禮)6:09 Mid Year Fiesta (Campus TV實驗電影首映禮)

Mid Year Fiesta (Campus TV實驗電影首映禮)

posted 2007-01-29
廣東話 | tagged Mid Year Fiesta
(1 views this month)
Opening Ceremony 2021-2022 - Student Association21:47 Opening Ceremony 2021-2022 - Student Association

Opening Ceremony 2021-2022 - Student Association

posted 2021-09-06
(1 views this month)
2019 A-meet Promotion0:51 2019 A-meet Promotion

2019 A-meet Promotion

posted 2019-10-23
bilingual - 廣東話, English | tagged Sport
(1 views this month)
Lumino - Here comes the Luminaries3:54 Lumino - Here comes the Luminaries

Lumino - Here comes the Luminaries

posted 2014-05-26
(1 views this month)
Zefiro - Let the wind guide1:05 Zefiro - Let the wind guide

Zefiro - Let the wind guide

posted 2015-05-20
(1 views this month)
Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 20151:11 Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 2015

Lunar New Year Greetings From The Principal - 2015

posted 2015-02-19
(1 views this month)
Assembly - May 200733:02 Assembly - May 2007

Assembly - May 2007

posted 2007-05-16
English | tagged
(1 views this month)
第二十六屆中文書法比賽26th Chinese Calligraphy Competition23:00 第二十六屆中文書法比賽
26th Chinese Calligraphy Competition


posted 2009-03-30
廣東話 | tagged Art, Calligraphy, Chinese, Competition
(1 views this month)
Opening Ceremony of Student Festival 10:05 Opening Ceremony of Student Festival

Opening Ceremony of Student Festival

posted 2007-01-25
(1 views this month)
Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - Mr. L.S.Dai1:40 Teachers' Day 2014-2015 - Mr. L.S.Dai

Teachers' Day 2014-2015
Mr. L.S.Dai

posted 2015-10-07
Chinese | tagged Teachers' Day
(1 views this month)